The "pure" gel of the unadulterated Aloe Vera forms the base and is the first ingredient, with the exception of one product, in our complete line of skincare products. We chose Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller (pronounced Bar Ba Den Sis) due to it's remarkable healing, moisturizing, and other "magical" properties.
There are over 200 different species of Aloe. Of the 200+ species of Aloe, only four are recognized as being of nutritional value to humans and animals. Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera species) is the top of these four since it is the most potent and nutritious - with only mature plants bearing the greatest benefits.

The Aloe Vera Barbadensis gel is well known as a healing agent for burns and is equally effective on bruises, cuts, abrasions, insect bites and other damaged skin tissues. Its powers have been recounted for thousands of years. There is historical documentation that shows that Aloe Vera was being used as far back as 1,500 BC and Aloe Vera is often referred to as "Nature's Pharmacy." Legend has it that the Aloe Vera was Cleopatra's beauty secret.
Modern research reveals that one of the plant's mysteries is its enhancement of a proteolytic enzyme action in the skin tissue. By helping the natural process of cell division and sloughing off of dead cell tissue, the Aloe in effect rejuvenates and rebuilds new healthy tissue at an accelerated pace - the same process that gives children that fresh, pink, healthy glow.
Because Aloe is a succulent it helps to maintain the natural moisturizing agents in the skin - helping retard the natural evaporative process and even drawing moisture from the air around us. We also know that the Aloe is able to penetrate the outer skin surface - to take its healing and moisturizing processes deeper within our skin. Its benefits, unlike other ingredients, penetrate and don't merely "cover-up".

The Aloe plants used in the formulation of L'Bri products come from only the highest grade cultivated in the Rio Grande Valley. The hand-picked leaves are then hand-filleted to ensure that only the purest, innermost gel of the plant is used. (Many products on the market will grind or squeeze the plant. Invariably, this results in tainting their gel with aloins - a yellowish substance found in Aloe Vera which, in fact, is harmful to skin tissue.) The attention we use results in a completely clear gel - a sure sign of the very highest grade of Aloe gel.
The L'Bri Collection of skincare products uses a cold stabilization process - the secret of our gel - as opposed to a heat pasteurization process which "cooks-out" most of the Aloe's natural benefits and healing properties. Through our cold stabilization process, the L'Bri skincare products retain 100% of the plant's mysterious and wonderful properties.
© NBN 2009: The Story of Aloe Vera